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IV Ryzhov, SG Yavshits, GA Tutin, NV Kovalev… - Physical Review C, 2011 - APS
MS Onegin, LA Vaishnene, and Yu. A. Gavrikov Petersburg Nuclear Physics Insitute,
188300, Gatchina, Leningrad district, Russia ... OT Grudzevich State Technical University, Studgorodok
1, 249020, Kaluga region, Obninsk, Russia ... VD Simutkin,* S. Pomp, J. Blomgren, M. ¨ ...
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RC Ferreira, R Piredda, F Bagnoli… - European Journal of …, 2011 - Springer
Abstract The Azores provide an excellent field test for research activities aimed at developing
conservation strate- gies for endangered tree species. In this work, the urgency to promote Picconia
azorica conservation programs addressed (a) insights into the biotaxonomy of the ...
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J Cui, ML Li, Y Zhang… - ChemInform, 2011 - Wiley Online Library
... Natural Products. ChemInform Abstract: Antifeedant Activities of Tutin and Andrographolide
Derivatives Against Mythimna separata. Jun Cui,; Meng-Lou Li,; Yan-bing Zhang,; Fei-Fei Li.
Article first published online: 11 AUG 2011. DOI: 10.1002/chin.201136178. ...
…, C Tutin - L'Économie politique, 2011 - cairn.info
Le retour des crises financières n'est pas le moindre des points communs entre le capitalisme
d'aujourd'hui et celui du XIXe siècle finissant : la période qui s'est ouverte en 1982 avec la crise
de la dette mexicaine rappelle étrangement celle qui débuta en 1873 avec le krach des ...
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[PDF] from srce.hrS Bogdanović… - Acta Botanica Croatica, 2011 - Versita
ISSN 0365-0588 eISSN 1847-8476 DOI: 10.2478/v10184-010-0007-4 ... Tutin (Apiaceae), a
new taxon in Croatian flora ... SANDRO BOGDANOVI] 1*, MIRKO RU[^I] 2 ... 1 University of
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