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[PDF] from biomedcentral.com…, S Gauthier, F Schepens, E Cretin… - BMC Palliative …, 2011 - biomedcentral.com
Lionel Pazart (lpazart@chu-besancon.fr) Chrystelle Vidal (c1vidal@chu-besancon.fr) Didier
Faivre Chalon (didierfaivrechalon@chu-besancon.fr) Sophie Gauthier
(sophiegauthier77@yahoo.fr) Florent Schepens (florent.schepens@u-bourgogne.fr) ...
All 2 versions
[HTML] from nih.gov…, S Gauthier, F Schepens, E Cretin… - BMC palliative …, 2011 - ncbi.nlm.nih.gov
End stage dementia is a particularly difficult aspect of care for patients with Alzheimer's disease
and related dementias. In care institutions, caregivers and family are concerned by treatment
decision-making for an acute life threatening complication occurring in Alzheimer patients ...
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... Kahneman D, Tversky A. 1979. Prospect theory: an analysis of decision under risk. Econometrica
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