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…, RN Issaka, AS Ennin - Journal of Science and …, 2011 - ajol.info
... Evaluation of growth of young coconut and nut yield of old coconut and their nutrient
status under coconut-cassava intercropping systems. E Andoh-Mensah, RN Issaka,
AS Ennin. Abstract. Two on-farm experiments were carried ...
BW Lee - Journal of Korean Studies, 2011 - muse.jhu.edu
... The most comprehensive source for early Buddhist rituals and for Pömp'ae is Nitto guhöjunrei
gyöki (???^ß??t?? Diary of a Pilgrimage to T'ang in Search of the Law)15 written between
the years 838 and 847, by a Japanese priest Ennin (Ht 793-846). ...
All 2 versions
LI Chang - Journal of Lvliang University, 2011 - en.cnki.com.cn
Master Ennin(794-864),also known as Jikaku Daishi,is the third abbot of Japanese Tendai
sect.In AD 838,he tripped to China for Buddhism and nine years later returned to Japan.Master
Ennin wrote a book named "Ennin's Diary: the Record of a Pilgrimage to China in Search ...
BW Lee - Korean Studies, 2011 - muse.jhu.edu
... of pömp'ae. Ennin's diary of the ninth century, which contains more information on
early musical styles of Korean pömp'ae than any other known source, says that the
responsorial style of chant was predominant. Pömp'ae was ...
Cited by 1 - Related articles - All 2 versions
TP Ennin - West Africa Review, 2011 - africaknowledgeproject.org
Iyunolu Osagie's collection features five Sierra Leonean dramatists, including the renowned
Raymond Caleb Ayodele-Charley, John Kolosa Kargbo and Tonie French. The plays address
a number of issues from colonial arrogance, corruption and exploitation; betrayal; ...

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