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AJ Claydon… - Methods in molecular biology (Clifton, NJ), 2011 - Springer
... during the light chase. 2D SDS-P A GE gel followed by in-gel tryptic d igestion and MALDI-T o
F M S analysis Pratt ( 4 ) 2002 Escherichia coli (K-12) ... of labeled glucose. 1D SDS-P A GE gel
followed by in-gel tryptic d igestion. Analysis using M ALDI-T oF/T oF and LCQ ion-trap ...
SR Catalano, KS Hutson, RM Ratcliff… - Marine and Freshwater …, 2011 - CSIRO
... 4542 5 Digen ea Acanth ocolpid ae Mono stephano stom um georg ianum Kru se, 1979 D igestive
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