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E Roeckner, MA Giorgetta, T Crueger, M Esch… - Climatic change, 2011 - Springer
... on Global C arbon Project d ata ( http://www.globalcarbonproject.org ) Page 11. Climatic Change
Fig. 7 Implied CO2 emissions 1950 to 2100 with climate–carbon cycle feedback ('coupled'; full
lines) and without feedback ('uncoupled'; dotted), respectively. Unit: GtC/year. ...
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MC Romano, EN Cassotti, P Chiesa, J Meyer… - Energy Procedia, 2011 - Elsevier
... The aim of this paper is discussing the potentiality of a combined-cycle based power plant, where
the hydrogen- based syngas produced in a SE-SMR ... 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 350 400 450
500 550 600 650 700 750 800 850 900 950 1000 Temperature, CC arbon C apture ...
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D Cocco - Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical …, 2011 - Prof Eng Publishing
Page 1. 63 Life-cycle assessment of bioenergy production systems from oilseed rape crops ... DOI:
10.1243/09576509JPE1010 Abstract: This article is concerned with a life-cycle assessment
(LCA) study of bioenergy produc- tion systems based on oilseed rape cultivation. ...
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J Suebsiri… - Energy Procedia, 2011 - Elsevier
... scienc GHGT-10 rage with fuel reso siri a *, Malc earch Drive, Reg ascana Parkwa date here;
revised n the atmos arbon dioxi ased green energy. Al dominant i % of emiss large sour However,
cy; therefo eded to co onstruction transport a an increase es should b life cycle a new ...
[PDF] from jica.go.jpK Jin - 2011 - jica.go.jp
... realities, and finding solutions. This makes it quite difficult to design the entire project cycle
up-front, as it required a more gradual, 'evolutionary' approach. ... Policy & Institution for C limate
Change ◎Low C arbon Development S trategy Project, Technical C ooperation Projects, ...
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